Opioids are depressant drugs which slow down the messages between the body and brain.
It might also be referred to as:
Apache, Beige, Beige Powder, Beige Powder, Big H, Big Harry, Big O, Black Tar, Black Tar, Blatt, Block, Blow Horse, Brown Rocks, Brown Rocks, Brown Sugar, Bugger, Captain Cody, Captain Jack, Chase, China Brown, China Girl, China H, China White, Chinese H, Chinese Rock, Chitari, Codeine, Dolly, Dolophine, Done, Dope, Dose, Dragon, Dragon Powder, Dust, Elephant, Fentanyl, Fix, Gear, H, Hammer, Harry, Harry, Heroin, Hop, Horse, Horse, Jackpot, Joy Powder, Jungle Juice, Junk, Junk, Junk, Loads, M, Meth, Methadone, Methadone Linctus, Methadone Mixture, Metho, Mexican Brown, Miss Emma, Monkey, Morf, Morph, Morphine, MS Contin, Murder 8, Number 4 White, O, Opium, Petrol, Physeptanef Injections, Physeptone Tablets, Pink Rocks, Piss, Poison, Poppies, Pure, Rock, Scag, Scat, Schoolboy, Shit, Skag, Skunk, Slow, Smack, Stuff, The Grouse, Thing, Vitamin H, Whack, White, White Dynamite, White Horse
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