This fact sheet from Harm Reduction Australia examines pill testing: What it is, how it works, and any benefits and downsides to the practice.
The factsheet begins:
The overarching aim of pill testing is to provide a direct health service to save lives by:
1. Providing the opportunity for people to be informed and consider a range of issues before determiningwhether to consume or how to reduce harm when consuming an illicit drug;
2. Reducing the number of people potentially requiring an ambulance call out, as well as attending hospitals,police holding cells and courts as a result of consuming unknown drugs - which in turn provides a range ofindividual, family and community based positive outcomes;
3. Obtaining a range of street samples for detailed testing that allows for both community health warningson new compounds and assists law enforcement intelligence on illegal drug manufacturing andimportations; and
4. Provide an environment where an independent assessment of pill testing can be conducted in a mannerrarely if ever undertaken previously.
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Disclaimer: This resource is from a source outside of Australia: it may contain links to services not available locally, unfamiliar terms, and refer to laws that do not apply in Australia. It has been included on CODE as it contains useful information despite some content not being locally relevant.
Disclaimer: This resource is from a source outside of Tasmania: it may contain links to services not available locally, unfamiliar terms, and refer to laws that do not apply in our state. It has been included on CODE as it contains useful information despite some content not being locally relevant.