Global Drug Survey knows pleasure drives drug use, not the avoidance of harm.
As far as we know, no guide has ever outlined the impact of harm reduction strategies on the pleasure users obtain from drugs, until now. Based on the experience of almost 80,000 people who took part in the Global Drug Survey 2014, the High-way Code is the first guide to safer drug use voted for by people who take drugs. The results seem to suggest that safer drug use can be more enjoyable drug use.
Global Drug Survey does not condone or promote the use of illegal drugs. Global Drug Survey does promote the use of common sense when going about one’s daily activities. Drugs and alcohol can be very dangerous. They can kill you. Using drugs when you are young can have a lasting negative impact on your cognitive and emotional well-being. The only way to avoid these harms is not to take drugs. This document represents the views of those who responded to the Global Drug Survey. Please note that no amount of planning and care can ensure you will have either a safe or enjoyable experience when you take drugs. Global Drug Survey is simply reporting the results of the survey which may provide some guidance in reducing the risk of harm only. The best way to avoid drug related harm is to not use drugs.
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Disclaimer: This resource is from a source outside of Australia: it may contain links to services not available locally, unfamiliar terms, and refer to laws that do not apply in Australia. It has been included on CODE as it contains useful information despite some content not being locally relevant.
Disclaimer: This resource is from a source outside of Tasmania: it may contain links to services not available locally, unfamiliar terms, and refer to laws that do not apply in our state. It has been included on CODE as it contains useful information despite some content not being locally relevant.