It might surprise you to learn that alcohol, tobacco and illegal drug use are higher among people living in remote areas than those living in the big cities. Almost one third of young Australians live in rural and remote communities, so it is important to understand why they might be more at risk.
Disclaimer: We do our best to review apps according to our guidelines, but due to the nature of interactive tools we cannot test every feature and update. DEN highly recommends reading recent reviews on any app you download, and make sure to only download apps from official stores like Google Play and the App Store.
Disclaimer: This resource is from a source outside of Australia: it may contain links to services not available locally, unfamiliar terms, and refer to laws that do not apply in Australia. It has been included on CODE as it contains useful information despite some content not being locally relevant.
Disclaimer: This resource is from a source outside of Tasmania: it may contain links to services not available locally, unfamiliar terms, and refer to laws that do not apply in our state. It has been included on CODE as it contains useful information despite some content not being locally relevant.