Young People
Australian surveys show vaping by young people has increased. Young people who vape nicotine are exposed to a toxic chemical that can harm adolescent brain development (the brain continues to develop until the age of 25) and lead to dependance. So how do you talk to young people about vaping? This factsheet from the Australian Drug Foundation provides information and helpful advice.
Lean, also known as Purple Drank, Barre, Sizzurp or Syrup is a drink from the USA (although made around the world) made from a cough syrup that contains two drugs, codeine and promethazine. The syrup is then mixed with a fizzy drink and sometimes a sweet to cover up the taste of the medicine to make a purple cocktail. This factsheet from Drug Watch UK explains what this drug is, the effects, and the risks.
What do you know about vaping? Vaping and e-cigarettes have become popular in recent years, and they may seem harmless and fun. But do you know what’s in vapes and vape juice?
This factsheet from the Lung Foundation takes a close look at vaping (e-cigarettes) from the perspective of lung health, and provides some specific information for young people, parents and teachers.
What do you need to know about vaping (e-cigarettes), especially for teenagers and young people? This factsheet from the Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne provides information about vaping and advice for parents and guardians.
If you’re worried about a friend who you think may be addicted to drugs, it’s good to know what to look for. The good news is that you can help them more than you may think, but professional help may be necessary to tackle something as serious as addiction.
Take a look at this article from Reach Out to learn more.
What is addiction, what are the signs and symptoms, and what do you do if you're worried that you have a drug problem? This article from Reach Out explores these issues and provides helpful advice.
Quitting smoking can be really tough. Cigarettes contain all sorts of addictive substances, so the road to being smoke-free requires commitment and dedication. Check out Reach Out's suggestions for ditching the smokes, including how to identify your triggers and habits, and where to seek outside help if you need extra support.
Binge drinking may seem sort of harmless on the surface, but to count the real cost you need to look beyond the day-after-downsides and consider the short and long term health risks. Take a look at this article from Reach Out and learn more about what binge drinking does to your body.
Identifying that you have a drinking problem isn’t always simple, but there are some common signs and symptoms that you can look out for. With this article from Reach Out, ask yourself the questions included to find out if you should be getting help.
"During my first few weeks at uni, I found there was an expectation that a few drinks were needed to have fun. At a camp for first-year law students, all the activities and games centered around alcohol."
This article from Reach Out tells the story of one young person's experience of not drinking when everyone else around was.
What is addiction, and what is addiction to alcohol? This article from Reach Out explains in easy-to-read language.
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