Young People
It's easy for a few drinks to turn into too many... and for that to lead to feeling awful the next day. This article from Reach Out offers useful tips for enjoying yourself within your own limits.
Partying with friends is one of the best ways to create great memories, but having a good time doesn’t have to mean rolling the dice with your own safety.
The key to partying smart is thinking ahead and being aware. Take a look at this factsheet from Reach Out to get started.
Festivals, clubbing and parties can be lots of fun, but they can also get out of control. This factsheet from Headspace provides down-to-earth tips for keeping young people and their friends safe during parties.
Uniting Victoria and Tasmania provide a variety of community services including Alcohol and Other Drugs support, aged care, disability, family services and more.
Use their Service Finder to find services near your location.
Our services include:
- Individual and family counselling
- Detox (withdrawal) and rehabilitation services
- Youth services
- Group treatment
- Outreach and home-based support.
The Link provides a range of free and confidential health and wellbeing services for young people aged 12-25.
The Link provides high quality primary and clinical health services as well as information, advice and referral services. We work across the health sector in developing innovative and responsive models of service. We also assist in delivering training and support to other professionals and the wider community.
The Link offers a wide variety of services:
- Open Access Area
- Youth Health Fund
- Needle and Syringe Program (NSP)
- Alcohol and Other Drug Services
- Headspace (Mental Health)
- Sexual and Reproductive Health
Drop in (no appointment needed) for:
Information, support, advocacy and referral for anything related to health and wellbeing, including:
- issues at home, school or work
- relationships
- mental health
- sexual health
- alcohol and drugs
And by appointment we have:
- a sexual health doctor
- psychologists
We can also help with:
- the cost of health items
- free condoms
- free pregnancy testing and support
- linking you in with other services
headspace centres act as a one-stop shop for young people who need help with mental health, physical health (including sexual health), alcohol and other drugs or work and study support.
Our 100+ centres across Australia are designed not just for young people, but with them, to ensure they are relevant, accessible and highly effective. As a result, no two headspace centres are the same, each offering unique services that reflect the needs of its local community.
We have centres located throughout Australia staffed with people who are trained and ready to help. If there isn't a headspace centre near you, you can get online chat and telephone support through eheadspace.
Find your local Headspace centre by clicking here.
Cornerstone Youth Services Inc. (CYS) delivers a range of services to young people aged 12 – 25, their families and friends, in North and North-West Tasmania. We focus on health promotion, education, early intervention and prevention, advocacy, case management and developing help-seeking behaviours.
As a parent or guardian, what do you need to know about drug and alcohol laws? This factsheet from Positive Choices is a good place to start.
Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free (even from a mobile), confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.
Qualified counsellors at Kids Helpline are available via WebChat, phone or email anytime and for any reason.
In this video, two young people discuss their experiences with drug use: why they started using, what impact that had on their lives, and how they sought help.
Young People's Experience of Substance Use: Why Did You Start Using
This video was dreamed up, scripted, and acted out by some of my amazing 8th grade students from Kalispell Middle School. The vision was to create a thought provoking short film that instills a challenge to the viewer to look at their own life, their own relationships, and their own sphere of influence, and see where a little empathy could help change the world around them.
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